In Home Comfort

Keeping warm and practicing healthy habits during the winter months is an essential part of keeping you and your family healthy and happy.

1) Layer clothes: Make sure you’re sending your kids to school with appropriate layers for the weather, and consider layering clothes inside instead of turning the thermostat all the way up
2) Make healthy and hearty meals: Be sure to make healthy, balanced meals throughout the winter to keep your family satisfied and healthy with the right nutrients, vitamins and minerals
3) Get plenty of sleep: Regular sleep is essential for your body to maintain itself with tasks it can’t do when you’re awake. Sleeping for eight hours a night can reduce strain on your body and keep you healthier, especially in the winter time
4) Keep hydrated: You might not be drinking enough water during the winter because of the cold weather, but it’s important to continue drinking eight glasses of water per day
5) Wash your hands regularly: Combat nasty germs and winter sickness by teaching your family proper hand washing techniques; you should wash your hands after going to the bathroom, playing outside, or even after being in public to prevent the spread of germs

Get even more tips for keeping your home warm this winter from Bryan’s Fuel in Orangeville!

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