The arrival of summer in Ontario is synonymous with patios, BBQs, and ice cream trucks. It can also mean a significant bump in your energy bill if your A/C is on full blast all summer long.
Follow our top energy efficiency tips to ensure your home’s temperature — and your budget — are well within your comfort zone this summer.
1. Replace Your A/C Air Filter
Did you know that replacing your A/C filter on a regular basis can lower your energy usage by 15% and extend the lifespan of your A/C unit? That’s right — clogged, dirty filters can block normal airflow and reduce your air conditioner’s ability to absorb heat. That’s why it’s important to clean or replace your A/C filter every one to two months.
2. Avoid Using The Dryer
Your clothes dryer is one of the most energy-consuming appliances in your home and produces a lot of heat and humidity. Consider using a drying rack or a clothes line whenever possible in the summer months. In addition to the fresh, natural scent of the outdoors, you will have saved a considerable amount on your electricity bill by the end of the season.
3. Opt for LED Light Bulbs
LED light bulbs are a year-round energy-efficient solution, but what many people don’t know is that they produce far less heat than incandescent light bulbs. These older bulbs only use about 10 to 15% of the electricity to produce light — the rest turns into wasted heat, which is about the last thing you want in the dead of summer! LED lights use 75% less energy, last 25 times longer, and run much cooler. They may cost a little more up front but will quickly pay for themselves in energy savings.
4. Close Your Blinds
Sunlight beaming into your home creates a greenhouse effect that can amplify the heat of long summer days. Using blinds, drapes, or blackout curtains in your home will help prevent this greenhouse effect. Southern- and western-facing walls take the brunt of the sun’s heat, so covering windows on these walls during the daytime would be most effective in keeping your home cooler.
5. Use Your BBQ Instead of Your Oven
Cooking with a conventional oven will add unwanted heat to your house, forcing your air conditioner to work harder. Consider preparing meals that do not require cooking, or use the summer heat as the perfect excuse to fire up your backyard barbecue. That way, you’ll keep the heat outside while enjoying delicious, grilled meats and vegetables.
At Bryan’s Fuel, we’re your year-round home comfort experts. Contact us today if you have questions about your air conditioning or home comfort system.