In Energy Efficiency, Geothermal Energy, Heat Pumps, Water Heaters

Decarbonization is a priority under the Paris Agreement to curb the effects of climate change. The Canadian government has committed to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 — but what exactly does that mean for you?

In this blog, we referenced the Ontario Power Generation to explore the biggest questions around decarbonization, net-zero emissions, and how it will affect Canadians.

What Is Decarbonization?

Decarbonization is the term used for the process of reducing carbon dioxide emissions through the use of alternative solutions. The goal of decarbonization is to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels in favour of non-carbon emitting energy sources such as hydro electricity, wind, solar, and geothermal.

What Does Net-Zero Mean?

‘Net-zero’ refers to balancing the carbon emissions produced and carbon emissions taken out of the atmosphere.

Why is Decarbonization Important?

The Paris Agreement set the ambitious goal of limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C, and decarbonization will play a big part in achieving that goal. The Agreement noted that achieving the goal of net-zero was necessary to avoid the serious and irreversible repercussions of climate change.

Where Else Is Decarbonization Happening?

Efforts made to decarbonize have been put in place by many countries, with more than 150 governments having submitted plans to reduce carbon emissions by 2030. Renewable energy sources are also being implemented more widely and now produce a third of all power capacity worldwide.

How Will Decarbonization Impact Me?

In order to achieve decarbonization, the Canadian federal government started taxing carbon emissions at $20 per tonne in 2019 and will increase by $10 per tonne each year until 2022. After 2022, it will increase to $15 per tonne of greenhouse gas emissions to $170 per tonne in 2030. The chart below outlines the tax increases for the different fuel types. To learn more about the federal carbon tax, click here.

Fuel Type 01-Apr-19 01-Apr-20 01-Apr-21 01-Apr-22
Propane $0.0310/L $0.0464/L $0.0619/L $0.0774/L
Furnace Oil $0.0537/L $0.0805/L $0.1073/L $0.1341/L
Clear Diesel $0.0537/L $0.0805/L $0.1073/L $0.1341/L
Dyed Diesel $0.0537/L $0.0805/L $0.1073/L $0.1341/L
Gasoline $0.0442/L $0.0663/L $0.0884/L $0.1105/L

As an industry-leading fuel supplier for homes and businesses, you may be wondering why Bryan’s Fuel is taking such an active interest in decarbonization efforts. We’re motivated by our desire to help our customers save money and reduce their environmental impact for generations to come. That’s why we focus on energy efficiency and alternative solutions like geothermal, air source heat pumps, and heat pump water heaters.

At Bryan’s Fuel, we’ve been delivering care since 1924, and we didn’t get here by thinking short-term. We are always looking to the future and our goal is to be around for the next 97 years…and beyond! If you have any questions, our team is here to help. Contact us today.

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