In Energy Efficiency, Fuel

Striking a balance between home comfort solutions that work for you and your family, while also being mindful of energy conservation and cost reduction, may seem difficult to achieve. The truth is that it can be done by making a few, small, everyday changes and short-term investments that will serve you in the long-run. Read on to find out Bryan’s Fuel’s top ways to save money on home heating:

1. Install A Smart Thermostat

Simply turning down your thermostat a few degrees every night while you are sleeping or away is one way to reduce your energy consumption and save money. The most convenient way to manage this is by installing a smart thermostat. A smart thermostat can adjust the temperature in your home automatically. If you purchase a model that’s compatible with your smartphone, you can adjust and monitor settings while you’re not home and automatically set an “away mode” for maximum convenience and energy efficiency.

2. Get Preventative Maintenance

To keep your furnace working in top condition, opting into an HVAC maintenance plan will help keep your equipment in top working order, prevent breakdowns, and extend running life.

3. Upgrade To High-Efficiency Equipment

Take advantage of current government rebates and upgrade your HVAC equipment on Energy Star® certified products. This will help reduce energy consumption and potentially lower your bills each month. This investment can be subsidized with an instant rebate through The Government of Canada’s Energy Savings Rebate Program . It’s a great time to save money and help reduce your carbon footprint.

4. Fill Up In Summer

If your home is fuelled by propane, we recommend filling up your tank in the summer to take advantage of cheaper propane prices.

5. Change Your Furnace Filter

Changing your furnace filter at least once a season — more often if you have pets or have done renovation — is one of the easiest and most important ways to keep your furnace working efficiently. Changing your air filter will also help to maintain top air quality in your home

6. Inspect Windows and Doors

If you have an older home, your windows might be leaking air and costing you money. Inspect your windows and doors for air leakage and replace the weatherstripping and caulking where needed, or consider investing in new windows for a long-term solution.

If you have any questions about home comfort maintenance or government rebates, we are happy to help! Contact us here and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.

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