In Furnaces, Home Comfort, Home Safety

With the winter season officially underway, it’s tempting to wrap up, hunker down and hibernate for the next few months! But there are a few maintenance projects you’ll need to do over the course of the winter to keep your home in tip-top shape.

1. Check your plumbing

Have your pipes suddenly started making weird noises now that the temperatures have dropped? The cold weather might be affecting them. Get your pipes checked to make sure there are no leaks or cracks, especially if you’re in an area that has recently experienced below-freezing weather. This is especially crucial if your home and pipes are older.

2. Check your roof for damage

You may have already done a roof inspection when completing your fall home maintenance checklist, but regular inspections are a good idea throughout the winter. Snow can build up and put a lot of strain on your home, so make sure you check it regularly and after particularly heavy snowfalls. It’s also important to check it if you’ve had thawing and freezing, as this can cause ice to build up on your roof.

3. Get your furnace or other heating system maintained

You should have had your furnace maintained for the winter season by now – but if you haven’t, you really need to. Don’t wait for your furnace to start making weird noises, as you don’t want to be stuck in the middle of a cold winter when your furnace breaks down.

4. Hang extra window treatments

A lot of the warmth that escapes from your home does so through your windows, so consider getting some extra-thick curtains for the winter season. When it’s sunny during the day, make sure those curtains are kept open to make the most of the natural heat. But at night, close them to keep all that warm air inside.

5. Keep driveways and walkways clear of snow

None of us enjoy clearing snow from our driveways – but leaving it can be dangerous for you, your family and for others. Make sure you clear your driveway after significant snowfalls, and keep your walkways and front steps clear to prevent slipping.

From everyone at Bryan’s Fuel in Orangeville, we wish you and your family a safe and happy winter season!

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