Things You Should Never Do When Preparing To Sell Your Home

 In Home Maintenance

Selling your home is a big decision and often involves considering what potential homebuyers might see when they visit your home. If you plan on selling your home in the near future, here are some common mistakes you should try to avoid:

1. Neglecting Repairs & Maintenance

While staying on top of repairs and maintenance is good practice whether you’re selling your home or not, it’s especially important if you want potential homebuyers to give you a good offer.

Regular, annual maintenance on your home comfort systems is essential when selling your home and staying on top of repairs on things like your roof or siding is a great idea if you want to make a good first impression.

2. Not Giving Your Home Curb Appeal

Curb appeal isn’t just about making sure your roof is in good shape and your siding is clean, though that’s a great place to start. Having good curb appeal is a great way to make a positive first impression, so consider investing in landscaping to make a big impact. A few touches as simple as a brick pathway, a couple of strategically-placed shrubs, nice flowers and good lighting can make a big difference.

3. Making Your Home Too Personal

Many of us use our home as a way to showcase our personalities, but this isn’t always a good idea when you’re trying to sell your home.

While it’s important to have a well-presented space that’s nicely decorated, try to steer away from too many overly personal touches. If your house is full to the brim with family photos and personal items, it may prevent potential homebuyers from being able to imagine themselves in the space.

4. Ignoring Clutter

It’s important to ensure your home is tidy if you’re showing it to potential homebuyers. Anyone who’s interested in buying your home is likely to want to check out all the nooks and crannies — from the kitchen cupboards to your bedroom closet — so try to make sure these spaces are decluttered before a showing.

5. Hiding Problems Or Damage

Even if you’ve tried to keep up with repairs or maintenance on your home, it’s possible that your home will still have some problems or damage when it comes to showing it to potential homebuyers. If this is the case, just be sure you’re not trying to hide anything. Be open and honest about any issues your house has and any repairs that need to be made; you don’t want the deal to fall through after a home inspection.
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