Bryan’s Fuel has developed a Fixed Price Program to take uncertainty out of propane prices.
How Can We Offer a Fixed Price?
Propane producers allow us to pre-buy propane through the summer while they build inventory for the peak fall and winter demand. The pre-buy price is the current spot price with a premium added for storage and the market’s expectation of future price. Market conditions change quickly and fixed price offers can change whenever market forces dictate.
Bryan’s Fuel will aggregate our customer’s demand into the minimum contract sizes required by our suppliers. You pay for the product as it is delivered (or on our Equal Payment Plan).
What Do You Need To Do?
- Decide whether to commit to the propane fixed price offer
- Contact Bryan’s Fuel either via email, telephone or in person to receive the propane fixed price offer for the heating season.
Contract Period
The contract period is October 1st through April 30th. All propane delivered during this period will be at the agreed upon fixed price regardless of the current market price.
As the heating season progresses, propane will be delivered as normal. All deliveries after October 1st will be at the contracted fixed price. The fixed price program runs from October 1st to April 30th.
Your fixed price agreement is a legal obligation (contract) to purchase your propane from Bryan’s Fuel for the Oct. 1st- April 30th period. We estimate your consumption and purchase corresponding contracts from our supplier. Failure to exercise this obligation would cause significant financial hardship to our company, for this reason contract is irrevocable once accepted.
Still Unsure?
Call us 519-941-2401 or 1-800-637-5910 or e-mail fixedprice@bryansfuel.on.ca and one of our knowledgeable Customer Service Representatives will be glad to help.