Looking for the right water heating option for your home?
At Bryan’s Fuel, we understand that you want the ability to select the water heater system that is best for you. That’s why we offer both tankless water heaters and hot water tanks in a range of fuel options, available for rent or sale in Southern Ontario.
Whether you buy one of our models or choose a rental water heater, we stand behind our products. Our team can provide a full installation, as well as offer ongoing service and maintenance for your water heater.
Talk to the team at Bryan’s Fuel to learn more about our different models. We would be happy to provide a no obligation quote for any of our water heaters.
Hot Water Tanks
Bryan’s Fuel offers a full line of hot water tanks for a range of fuel sources — this includes natural gas, propane, electric, and oil water heaters. Hot water tanks are the most common type of water heaters. They store large amounts of heated water at a time, then distribute it around the house as required.
Tanks can accommodate heavy demands and offer more affordability, in terms of upfront costs. Although some hot water tanks are less energy-efficient, Bryan’s Fuel carries a range of Energy Star rated models that are good for the environment.
Tankless Water Heaters
In addition to conventional water heaters, Bryan’s Fuel also offers a range of tankless water heaters, including both natural gas and propane tankless water heaters. These units offer on-demand hot water for users. Although they are sometimes referred to as instant water heaters, there may be a short delay between turning on the shower and receiving hot water from the end — it’s totally normal.
Tankless water heaters require a larger upfront investment, but they are great for reducing energy consumption over time and free up floor space in your home.
Options for Rental Water Heaters
Bryan’s Fuel offers rental water heaters for customers who use propane or oil fuel, which includes the added convenience of standard installation and service. We also offer a 10% discount for customers who chose to pay their tank rental annually versus monthly.
Want the option to buy your rental water heater? Our water heaters depreciate at a rate 10% per year, down to 25% of purchase value. Customers have the option to purchase their rental equipment at any time.