In Air Conditioners, Furnaces, HVAC Systems

As homeowners, we’re always on the lookout for ways to save money, especially when it comes to our utility bills. We want to stay comfortable throughout the year no matter the season, but we want to be smart about our energy consumption.

Programmable thermostats come with a range of benefits that make them the smart option for homeowners!

1. Adjust The Temperature Automatically

Programmable thermostats can adjust the temperature of your air conditioner or furnace automatically at certain times of day. If you work from 9 to 5, you can set your thermostat so your system isn’t on all day. You’ll be able to set it to cool down or warm up your house just before you get home so you’re comfortable at the end of the day.

Adjusting the temperature automatically can help your HVAC system run more efficiently and save you money on utility bills.

2. More User-Friendly

Programmable thermostats are user-friendly because they’re designed with a touch screen, making it a more convenient option than a physical dial. Programmable thermostats are also designed to be intuitive and easy to use.

3. More Information

Most older thermostats only display the current indoor temperature of your home at any given time. However, with a programmable thermostat, you’ll have access to even more information, such as reminders to change your HVAC unit’s filters or an indication when your system requires maintenance. You can also connect your programmable thermostat to your smartphone, so you can remain in control even when you’re away from your house.

4. Different Heating & Cooling Options For Different Zones

Your home has different “zones”, whether it’s communal living areas or bathrooms or different bedrooms. Everyone in your home likely has different heating and cooling requirements, and a programmable thermostat can help you set different temperatures for different areas in your home.

At Bryan’s Fuel in Orangeville, we’re the home comfort specialists! No matter what your needs, our home comfort professionals can recommend a system that works for you and your home.
Contact us today to find out more

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