Furnace Tips: Chores You Might be Forgetting to Do – But Shouldn’t

 In Furnaces, Home Maintenance

No one likes doing chores – but regularly cleaning and maintaining your home can mean avoiding potential disasters as well as keeping the air in your home breathable. But here are some crucial chores you might be forgetting to do:

• Vacuuming your dryer vent: lint can build up quickly and form a potential fire hazard
• Disinfect garbage cans: they don’t just smell bad, but mould and other allergens can build up in garbage cans and affect your health
• Vacuum bottoms of furniture: lots of dust can build up under your furniture, which can cause sneezing and other allergy symptoms
• Change furnace filters: these need to be changed regularly to ensure your furnace is working properly
• Vacuum/clean behind fridge: it’s a pain to move your fridge, but vacuuming behind it is important for the same reason as vacuuming the underside of your furniture

Check out our winter home maintenance checklist for more tips.

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