In Home Maintenance

This summer, keep your home in tip-top shape with our home maintenance checklist. Try to get as many of these done in the early part of summer so you can enjoy the beautiful weather and time with family!

1) Check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors; this should be done once every season
2) Inspect your air conditioner; if you haven’t already, get your annual maintenance done before the really hot weather starts
3) Remove and clean all of your furnace’s and air conditioner’s filters
4) Clean humidifiers and change the filters
5) Clean ceiling fans and portable fans with a damp cloth to prevent your home getting dusty
6) If you have space, install an outdoor clothing line for the summer; using it instead of your dryer in the warm, dry weather will save you some money on and utility bills
7) Clean your outdoor barbecue or other outdoor kitchen appliances
8) Clean off your porch and back deck by sweeping or mopping, depending on the material they’re made of
9) If you didn’t clean your windows in the spring, take the time to do it now so you can enjoy the sunshine inside as well
10) Get into a watering schedule; plants learn to endure dry spells if you deep water them a couple of times a week, rather than watering lightly every day
11) Power wash your house’s exterior for some inexpensive extra curb appeal
12) Take a walk around your property and make sure there aren’t any branches that could break off and damage your home during a storm
13) Get your driveway resealed to extend its life (this should be done in warmer weather)
14) Clean your lawn mower and make sure it still works; clean out the fuel tank and refill it

If you still haven’t had your air conditioner serviced for the season, contact Bryan’s Fuel in Orangeville!

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