Home Heating Safety Tips

 In Fuel Safety, Gas Safety, Home Safety

There’s something about winter that makes our homes feel extra cosy. While the wind and snow howls outside, you can curl up on the couch next to the fireplace, reading a good book and drinking a warm cup of tea.

But with all of the equipment we use to keep ourselves warm during our cold Canadian winters, there are a couple of safety tips you should know that will help keep you and your family comfortable and safe this season.

• Have your furnace inspected every year
• Keep flammable materials like paper, clothing, bedding and rugs away from your furnace, fireplace, wood stove or portable space heaters
• Have a zone of at least three feet around open ires and space heaters to keep children and pets at a safe distance
• Never use your oven to heat your home
• Always have stationary heating equipment, water heaters or central heating equipment installed by a professional so you know it’s up to local codes and manufacturers’ instructions
• Have heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and inspected every year
• Turn portable heaters off when leaving the room or going to bed; make sure embers in the fireplace are extinguished before leaving your home or going to bed
• Make sure your fireplace’s screen is sturdy to stop sparks from flying into the room and potentially setting furniture or fabrics alight
• Test your smoke alarms every month
• Place space heaters on a level, hard and nonflammable surface; don’t place space heaters on carpet or rugs
• Look for a space heater model that shuts off automatically when it falls over
• If you smell gas, turn your furnace off and leave your home; call the gas company and fire department from a safe place
• Never throw liquid fuel, compressed gas containers or batteries into your fireplace
• Put fireplace ashes into a non-combustible container when the fire’s been put out; keep the container outside and away from decks or wall siding
• If your space heater runs on fuel, don’t refill it while it’s on; fill it outdoors when it’s off and has cooled off completely

From everyone at Bryan’s Fuel, we hope you have a safe and happy winter!

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Showing 5 comments
  • Glenna Burke

    I would like a quote on my furnace check up.
    Glenna Burke

    • Graham Bryan

      Hi Glenna, A standard furnace maintenance is $110 + tax (any parts required are not included in the price). Hope this helps and if you would like to book a maintenance you can use the contact us form at the following link https://bryansfuel.on.ca/contact-bryans-fuel-southwestern-ontario/ or by calling the office at 519-941-2401.

  • Glenna Burke

    Client of Bryan’s for years

  • Drew

    Great safety tips! The winter is the perfect time to do some routine maintenance to be sure everything is in working order. The last thing you want is a fire caused by carelessness. Thanks for sharing!

  • North East Heating Solutions Ltd

    Great safety tips. Thank you for sharing your information about home heating safety tips. Very informative and helpful tips. Keep on sharing.

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